inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

November 10, 2008

School concert 2006

Filed under: ramblings,Reggie,Videos — snoopygie @ 6:58 pm

This is Reggie giving bouquet.

This is their class performance. He’s in a red Chinese costume.


Quote Cards for today

Filed under: Advice,Education,Failure,Quotation Cards,Wisdom — snoopygie @ 3:00 pm

Canadian Fall

Filed under: photos — snoopygie @ 2:50 pm

Look at how beautiful nature is. Everyone should do their share of preserving it. Let’s recycle, I do. And I also bring my own bag when we go grocery shopping.

Today’s animation by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 2:29 pm

We’re prone to want God to change our
circumstances, but He wants to change our character. We
think that peace comes from the outside in,
but it comes from in inside out.
Read Luke 17:21

We urgently need people who encourage and inspire us
to move toward God and away from the world’s
enticing pleasures.
Read Hebrews 12:1

If you seek to know the path of your duty, use God
as your compass.
Read Hebrews 6:11-12

God and evil both increase at compound interest.
That is why the little decisions you and
I make every day are of such infinite importance.
Read Proverbs 28:18

God longs to pour out His mercy upon us. His
majesty is so great that he
can transform us from deep within.
Read Luke 17:21