inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

November 12, 2008

Today’s animation by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 5:11 pm

Christians think they are prosecuting attorneys
or judges, when in reality, God has called all of us to be witnesses.
Read Luke 6:37

While great brilliance and intellect are to be admired,
they cannot dry one tear or mend a broken spirit. Only
kindness can accomplish this.
Read 1 Peter 3:8

He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who
plants kindness gathers love.
Read 1 Peter 3:8

Turn your attention upon yourself and beware
of judging the deeds of other men, for in
judging others a man labors
vainly, often makes mistakes, and
easily sins: whereas, in judging and taking stock
of himself he does sometimes
that is always profitable.
Read Luke 6;37

Feelings of confidence depend upon the type of
thoughts you habitually occupy. Think defeat, and
you are bound to be defeated.
Read 1 Peter 1:13

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