inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

November 25, 2008

Gokusen 1,2,3

Filed under: jdorama,ramblings — snoopygie @ 3:57 pm
Finally I have finished watching the 3 seasons of this Japanese drama. All emotions will be stirred in this series. Lessons taught are really good BUT there are some violence here since it’s all about the lives of high school dilenquents.
I find the 3rd season boring though, it took me too long to finish it coz’ I kinda lost interest. Although it has a totally different twist & drama than the first 2 seasons I just got tired of the fighting & the acting got so lame & “OA”.
The story of a young, idealistic teacher who enters Shirokin Gakuen with hopes of making a difference in the students’ lives. However, Yamaguchi Kumiko (Nakama Yukie) is in for a rude awakening when she finds that she will be the homeroom teacher of 3-D, the hardest class to maintain in the school. The students have multi-colored hair, sloppy uniforms, and show absolutely no respect to her. The leader of the class, Sawada Shin is lazy but bright and shows some interest in Yamaguchi when he notices that she is very different from other teachers. The students try to bully her to make her quit, but their attempts don’t get them very far.
What the class and the rest of the school does not know is that Yamaguchi Kumiko is actually the 4th generation heir to the Ooedo Group, a notorious yakuza clan. Even though her family would like her to take the title of Ojou when her grandfather dies, they have accepted the fact that Yamaguchi would rather be a teacher.
Eventually, the students learn to respect their quirky teacher because of her devotion to them, and even give her a nickname: Yankumi.

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