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April 9, 2009

Amazing Nurse Nanako

Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 12:37 am

This series is about cloning. It’s quite interesting, I’m not knowledgeable about cloning so I don’t really know how it works. In this particular series, the subject always dies when she reaches the age that the original person where she was cloned died. This is what the new doctor had to find a cure.

HTML clipboard In a mansion on a military base somewhere in Japan lives a mad scientist, two martial arts masters, an old witch (literally), and the girl who works tirelessly to feed them and keep the house clean. She`s also constantly threatened with being turned into the subject of one of the doctor`s experiments, and forced to train in feats of strength and endurance. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the doctor is watched over by powerful forces in the military and the Church, both with their own mysterious goals. Where does Nanako fit into this, and why is she the subject of so much attention? Who knows.

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