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April 9, 2009

Battle Fairy Yukikaze – Sentou Yousu Yukikaze

Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 1:04 am

Too hi-tech for me. A human and a machine that can communicate to each other?? Like…by heart & soul!!!

Several decades in the future, an alien force known as the JAM invades Earth through a dimensional portal that suddenly appears over Antarctica. The United Nations establishes a defense force to oppose the threat and begins battling the alien invaders on a planet called “Fairy” on the other side of the dimensional portal. The main character, Rei Fukai, belongs to the Fairy Air Force (FAF), which is the mainstay of Earth’s defense. Piloting the Super Sylph “Yukikaze”, an advanced armed tactical reconnaissance plane equipped with a near-sentient AI computer system, he is part of the 5th Division, Special Air Force (SAF). The SAF is responsible for all tactical and strategic reconnaissance operations of the FAF, usually appearing where battles are the fiercest under the order “to gather as much data as possible and bring it back at all cost, even if it means abandoning allies in distress” and consequently acquiring a defamatory nickname “Grim Reaper”. When fear spreads of alien infiltration within the FAF, Yukikaze may be the last hope for humanity to end the war.

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