inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

April 25, 2009

Quote cards

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 7:45 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 7:32 pm

When God is our strength, it is strength indeed;
when our strength is our own, it is only weakness.
Read Exodus 15:2

It’s safe to trust God’s methods
and to go by His clock.
Read Ecclesiastes 3;1

Events of all sorts creep or fly exactly as God pleases.
Read Ecclesiates 3:1

It’s in the silence of the heart that God speaks.
Read Psalms 62;5

It’s sobering to contenplate how much
time, effort, sacrifice, compromise and attention
we give to acquiring and increasing our supply
of something that is totally insignificant in eternity.
Read Matthew 6:24

We are all faced with great opportunities
that are disguised as unsolvable problems.
Unsolvable without God’s wisdom.
Read Psalms 18:30

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities,
brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.
Unsolvable without God’s wisdom, that is.
Read Psalms 18:30

The Grace of God is sufficient for all our needs
for every problem and for ever difficulty, for
every broken heart and for every human sorrow.
Read 2 Corinthians 12:9

I think Spiritual and physical strength is
like manna: you get just what you need for the day, no more.
Read Exodus 15:2

God has a course mapped out for your life, and all
the inadequacies in the world will not change His mind.
He will be with you every step of the way and He has
a celebration planned when you enter His presence.
Read Proverbs 16:3

April 23, 2009

Quote cards

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 6:02 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 5:58 pm

What do you think of Jesus?
Do you have a personal relationship with Him?
Read Psalms 16:11

When the evening of this life comes, we shall be judged on LOVE.
Read 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Tell me what company you keep and I
will tell you what you are.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:33

To worship God we must begin by
harking to His voice.
Read 1 John 2:3

Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil’s reach, as humility.
Read Matthew 23:11-12

Don’t be overwhelmed. Take
it one day and one prayer at a time.
Read Psalms 17:5

If you choose to awaken a passion for God,
you will have to choose your friends wisely.
1 Corinthians 15:33

April 22, 2009

Quote cards

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 6:53 pm

Mai-Otome Zwei

Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 6:51 pm

Just ok.

HTML clipboard

  • Main Title: Mai Otome Zwei
  • Year: 24.11.2006 till 24.08.2007
  • Official Title: Japanese 舞-乙HiME Zwei

Genres: Comedy, Fantasy

Episodes: 4 OVA

Rating: Teenage

Plot Summary

One year after the events of Mai-Otome, an asteroid on a collision course with Windbloom kingdom is destroyed – barely – by an international task force of Meister Otome. Subsequently a new and more powerful kind of Slave appears, along with a sinister black-robed entity – or entities – able to easily overpower the most powerful of Meisters. Not only this, but Arika and Mashiro’s troubled relationship is hindering the use of the Sapphire of Azure Sky – possibly the one weapon powerful enough to defeat this new adversary.


Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 6:15 pm

This series confuses me, I thought this is a sequel to Mai-Hime or may be it is I’m just confused because it’s not what I expected to a sequel.

I don’t like some turn of events. But still the action was good.

HTML clipboard

  • Main Title: Mai-Otome
  • Year: 07.10.2005 till 31.03.2006
  • Official Title: English My-OTOME
  • Official Title: Japanese 舞-乙HiME

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

Episodes: 26

Rating: Teenage

Plot Summary

Arika Yumemiya has traveled far in search of her goal: the prestigious Gualderobe Academy. This is the school where young girls are trained to become Otomes, protectors of royal leaders throughout the lands. Here, Arika makes plenty of friends, but some enemies know something about her past that she does not. Nevertheless, her spirit and determination will keep pushing her forward.


Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 6:10 pm

fun to watch with all the action.

HTML clipboard

  • Main Title: Mai-HiME
  • Year: 01.10.2004 till 01.04.2005
  • Official Title: English My-HiME
  • Official Title: Japanese 舞-HiME

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural

Episodes: 26

Rating: Teenage

Plot Summary

My HiME tells the story of twelve magical girls who attend Fuuga Gakuen, a prestigious private acadamy in Japan. They have the power to use elements (weapons that they can materialize out of thin air) and summon children (powerful beasts which can battle at their masters’ command). They have been summoned to the academy by the wheel chair bound academy director Mashiro Kazahana to defend the academy from powerful monsters called “Orphans”. However, as the story progresses a deeper story begins to unravel as the Himes are puppetered to do the bidding of others.

The story begins with Mai Tokiha and her brother Takumi traveling by ship to Fuuga Gakuen, a prestigious private academy they have been accepted to. While talking of a red star by the moon that only Mai can see, a drowning girl holding a mysterious sword is spotted and taken aboard. After saving her a strange woman boards the ship to finish the assasination, and she and the girl with the sword engage in a battle that literally tears the ship in half. After having a strange power in her awakened, Mai falls in the water to drown. Waking in the center of Fuuga Gakuen’s courtyard, the main story begins with a lot of questions.


Filed under: animes watched — snoopygie @ 6:07 pm

ahhh… this is such a lovely story.

HTML clipboard

  • Main Title: Lamune
  • Year: 11.10.2005 till 27.12.2005
  • Official Title: English Lamune
  • Official Title: Japanese ラムネ

Genres: Drama, Romance, Seinen

Episodes: 12

Rating: Teenage

Plot Summary

Lamune tells the story of a boy named Kenji and his childhood friend Nanami. Although, everyone seems to know that they have a relationship, neither are determined to push it anymore than close friends. The story goes through flashbacks, explaining why they are such close friends and any action doesn’t seem to push them apart, but draw them closer.

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 6:03 pm

The maturity of a Christian experience
cannot be reached in a moment, but is
the result of the work of God’s Holy Spirit, who , by
His energizing and transforming power, causes us to
grow into Christ in all things.
Read Proverbs 28:19

Growing in any area of the Christian life takes time,
and the key is daily sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Read Ephesians 5:1

The thing preserves a man from panic in
his relationship to God.
Read Proverbs 12:25

You were born with tremendous potential.
When you were born again through faith in Jesus
Christ, God added spiritual gifts to your natural talents.
Read 2 Peter 1:23

Remember that this fear of the Lord is His treasure,
a choice jewel given only to favorites and to those
who are greatly beloved.
Read Proverbs 1:7

Quote cards

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 12:38 am
QP used by chingjp

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 12:30 am

Jesus is the personal approach from the unseen
God coming so near that he becomes inescapable.
You don’t have to find him, you just have to consent to be found.
Read Deuteronomy 6:5

Be united with other Christians. A well with
loose bricks is not good. The bricks must
be cemented together.
Read Nehemia 8:12

One of the ways God refills us after failure is through the blessing
of Christian fellowship. Just experiencing the joy of simple activities
shared with other children of God can have a dealing effect on us.
Read Nehemiah 8:12

Since you are tempted without
ceasing, pray without ceasing.
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13

Nobody is good by accident. No man ever became holy by chance.
Read James 1:22

There is no “high” like the elation and
joy that come from a sacrificial act of obedience.
Read James 1:22

April 20, 2009

Quote cards

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 5:57 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 5:53 pm

God delights in seeing our gratitude translated into simple
kindnesses that keep the chain of praise unbroken and
alive in others’ hearts.
Read Colossians 3:12

Admit mistakes. Forgive mistakes.
Move on.

The Holy Spirit is like a living and continually flowing
fountain in believers. We have the boundless
privilege of tapping into that fountain every time we pray.
Read Ephesians 5:18

I long to accomplish great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to
accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
Read Colossians 3;23

The help you need is only a prayer away.
Read Hebrews 4:16

Anyone who builds a relationship on less than
openness and honesty is building on sand.
Deactivate issues before they can explode.
Read Ephesians 4:31

April 19, 2009

this is absolutely awesome…

Filed under: Reggie — snoopygie @ 7:19 pm

a perfect example of the saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”

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