inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

January 19, 2009

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 3:39 pm

Day in, Day out

Filed under: misc — snoopygie @ 3:37 pm

Your alarm doesn’t go off, you over sleep and you PANIC. You’re running late, can’t find your car keys and you’re FRUSTRATED. You get stuck in traffic, miss your exit and you’re ANGRY. You reach to change the radio station, spill your latte and you’re ANNOYED. You have 3 urgent messages from a client, an ‘I need to talk to you’ message from your boss and you’re ANXIOUS. You’re late for the staff meeting, the only empty chair is next to the guy you can’t stand and you’re IRRITATED. Hey, cheer up! It’s only 9:15!

Sound familiar? And even though a lot of us ignore these ‘little stresses’ and our emotional reactions to them (Hey, this is life!), our bodies don’t: adrenaline soars, extra cortisol is pumped into your body, the heart races, muscles tense up. Over time, our bodies adapt and eventually forget how to rest. It’s the reason why we don’t sleep as well as we used to, we’re on edge more often than not and when we finally get that week’s vacation on Maui, we need three days just to feel relaxed!

There will always be traffic, urgent messages and staff meetings. But we can change how we respond to these every day hassles and in the process, reduce wear and tear on our bodies.

First, don’t ignore how you feel throughout the day. When you feel angry, irritated, anxious, etc. bring your system back to balance, quickly, on demand, with the Quick Coherence® technique. Heart focus. Heart breathing. Heart feeling.

Second, take 5-15 minutes a few times every week to practice sustaining the heart feeling. Over time you can retrain your system how to rest. Just like stress accumulates in our bodies, so does emotional resilience. You’ll find the little stuff doesn’t bother you as much and you’ll have more energy to handle the big things when they come along.

Kim Allen

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 3:21 pm

The most profane word we use is “hopeless.”
When you say a situation or person is hopeless,
you are slamming the door in the face of God.
Read Proverbs 16:9

Great opportunities often disguise themselves
in small tasks.
Read proverbs 16:9

WORDS: Do you understand their power???
Can any of us really grasp the mighty force
behind the things we say:: De we stop and think
before we speak, considering the potency of the
words we utter?
Read 1 Peter 2:1,2

The people whom I have seen succeed
best in life have always been cheerful
and hopeful people who went
about their business with a smile
on their face.
Read Proverbs 15:15

A wise man turns chance into good fortune.
Read Proverbs 16:9

We are the mirrors of God’s love, so
we may show Jesus by our lives.
Read Psalms 100:5

We are mirrors of God’s love and we show
Jesus by our lives…..Corrie ten Boom…..
Read psalms 100:5

Great opportunities often disguise
themselves in small tasks.
Read Proverbs 16:9

God’s love is the way God is,
and when He loves, He is simply
being Himself.
Read Psalms 100:5

When I think of God, my heart is full of joy.
Since God has given me a cheerful heart, I
serve him with a cheerful spirit.
Read Proverbs 15:15

What you do reveals what you believe
about God, regardless of what you say.
Read Matthew 7:20

The great test of a man’s character is his tongue.
Read 1 Peter 2:1,2

January 18, 2009

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 10:38 pm

Wish List

Filed under: misc — snoopygie @ 10:24 pm

Take a look at your shoes. Do you remember your reason for buying them? Was it the style or color? Or maybe the price was right. Regardless, there’s a good chance you bought them because you were convinced you would feel better once you owned those shoes.

Think about all the choices we make: the new job; the new cell phone; last night’s dessert; next summer’s vacation. Each choice represents a missing piece in our quest for happiness.

We all want to feel better more often. Whether it’s the latest style, a tropical beach or a piece of chocolate, we’re telling ourselves that when we have it, we will feel better.

Trouble is the feeling is often fleeting. Very soon we’re on to the next ‘must have’ on the list. This is the one. This one will do it. How long is your list?

If you want to feel better more often, then feel better more often. Sound too simple? Well, the truth is you create the feeling; not the sunset, not the perfect boss and certainly not another pair of shoes. When you feel better first you get what you want first! Then something happens to your choices. They become ‘add ons’ rather than ‘must haves’. And you may be surprised to find out you really don’t need those shoes!

Kim Allen

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 10:10 pm

Those who deny freedom to others
deserve it not for themselves,
and under a just God, cannot
long retain it.
Read Psalm 116:16

Jesus gave His all to save us –
we should give our all to serve Him.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:8

Let the reality of Christmas chase
away the blahs of winter.
Read psalm 42:5

We sow the seed – God produces the harvest.
Read mark 4:28-29

Praise flows freely from the choir of the redeemed.
Read Psalm 126

Standing for justice means fighting against injustice.
Read Deuteronomy 24:18

Our love for Christ is only
as real as our love for our neighbor.
Read Luke 10:29

Stand back and watch the Lord manage your mess into a glorious outcome.
Read Ruth 1:21

One measure of our likeness to Christ
is our sensitivity to the suffering of others.
Read Luke 5;13

January 17, 2009

Enough is enough

Filed under: misc — snoopygie @ 11:40 am

A pushy driver cuts you off on the freeway…You miss a staff meeting because no one told you it was moved up…The market’s down…The kids leave their bikes in the driveway, again…The cable goes out just as the home team ties the score with 30 seconds left in the game. That’s it…you explode!

It seems like more people are getting more angry, more of the time. The more complicated life gets, the more people we interact with every day, the more things happen that irritate, annoy, rile, incense, madden, infuriate, and enrage us.

Anger is a natural human emotion and one of nature’s ways of enabling us to ward off a threat or attack. While anger can motivate us to cope with life’s adversities, it can be destructive. It’s a powerful energy that can take over the body and mind and make us feel out of control. It can ruin relationships, end careers and damage health.

Even the words we use to define the anger we feel are telling: Our nerves are fried; we’re really steamed; we’re boiling mad …or just simmering. These innocent cooking metaphors can turn into actual physical problems like back pain, headaches and heart attacks. We’re literally stewing in our own juices.

Most people react to anger one of two ways: they either vent it or stuff it. If you’re someone who lets it all hang out, you may find the temporary release and rush of adrenaline feels good. However, when you come down from your anger high, you’re often more drained and irritable than before your outburst. Rarely is the energy you’re expending worth the emotional and physical price. You may also have to deal with the havoc caused by your anger—broken objects, hurt people and sometimes the law.

Suppressing anger and keeping it bottled up inside has its consequences, too. The anger you direct inward, on yourself, is like an unhealthy, low grade fever that gradually depletes your energy.

Whether you’re a steam engine or pressure cooker, each angry episode only prolongs and deepens the distress. Accumulated over time, anger can depress you, burn you out, make you sick, or eventually kill you.

Don’t be victim to your anger. Rather, master it! Notice how you’re responding to situations and use any surfacing irritation, annoyance or anger as a cue that it’s time to take a break. Take a deep breath and refocus on what is it you appreciate or care about. While this won’t necessarily fix the cable or increase the value of your 401K, neither will your anger. But it is a more efficient use of your energy and a whole lot healthier!

Kim Allen

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 11:29 am

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 11:19 am

If you don’t have any love in your heart,
you have the worse kind of heart trouble.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:3

All Scripture in its original form has been
breathed out by God so that a writer,
under the controlling power of the Spirit of God,
wrote the Scriptures precisely as God would have
them written.
Read 2 timothy 3:16

The Constitution guarantees free speech:
it doesn’t guarantee listeners.
Read Jeremiah 6:10

Man proposes but God disposes!!!
Read Genesis 18:25

Between tomorrow’s dreams
and yesterday’s regrets,
are today’s opportunities.
Read Psalm 118:24

Some people push open the
door of opportunity, while others
expect it to be opened by an
electric eye.
Read proverbs 15:19

It is right to be contented with what we have
but never with what we are.
“Read Hebrews 13:5

Ask God to open your lips and honor your
words – but be careful!!! Once your missile
hits the target, you will become totally
dissatisfied with your former life as an
earth-bound, secret service saint.
Read Isaiah 55:11

If you are not ashamed to think it,
you should not be ashamed to say it.
Read Luke 12:3

We hold in our possession a message of hope,
an invitation to approach a living Savior.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:20

January 16, 2009

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 10:09 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 10:01 pm

Knowing about God is fascinating.
Knowing God personally is life-changing.
Read Isaiah 6:1

Exchange the dissatisfaction of doubt
for the fulfillment of faith in God.
Read James 1:6

God will give us the victory
when we join Him in the fight.
Read Romans 12;21

You are one of a kind –
designed to glorify God as only you can.
Read Psalm 139:7-16

A healthy church is the best witness
to a hurting world.
Read Ephesians 2:14-22

If God cares for birds,
will He not care for His children???
Read Matthew 10:31

It takes true strength to refuse to retaliate.
Read Matthew 5:38-42

There’s no excuse for excusing sin.
Read Genesis 39:9

Looking for perfection? Look to Jesus.
Read Exodus 15:11


Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 9:48 pm

The best thermometer of your
spiritual temperature
is the intensity of your prayer.
Job 7:11

January 15, 2009

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 6:34 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 6:01 pm

There is no depth that causes God
to lift His eyebrows in amazement..
He made it alllllll.
Read Psalm 90:2

Filter everything through the same question:
Will this bring glory to God or to me?
Read John 3:30

The very best platform upon which
we may build a case for
Christianity at work rests on six
massive pillars: integrity, faithfulness,
punctuality, quality, workmanship,
a pleasant attitude and enthusiasm.
Read Matthew 5:16

There is a great security in opening God’s
timeless Book and hearing His voice. It
calms our fears. It clears our heads. It
comforts our hearts. Let it have it’s
entrance today.
Read Roman 15:4

If necessity is the mother of invention,
persistence is certainly the father.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:1

Neither waves nor winds intimidate God.
Read Psalm 90:2

Put Christ first if you want your marriage to last.
Read Malachi 2;15

Quiet times with God
store up power for
future emergencies.
Read Psalm 46:10

Every time we encourage someone, we give
them a transfusion of courage.
Read proverbs 12:25

We show our love for God
when we share His love with others.
Read Matthew 22:39


Filed under: misc — snoopygie @ 4:55 pm

Got this from my inbox. True or not I think this is worth sharing…


This is a true story.

The woman left the office after working hours and saw a little child crying on the road. Feeling pity for the child, she went to ask what happened. The child said, ‘I am lost. Can you take me home please?’ Then the child gave her a slip of paper and tells the woman where the address is. The woman, being an average kind person who didn’t suspect anything took the child there. And there when they arrived at the

child’s home’, the kind hearted woman pressed the door bell and she was electrocuted as the bell was wired with high voltage, and fainted.

The next day when she woke up, she found herself in an empty house up in the hills, naked. Condoms were all thrown around with semen all over her and flowing from her body. There were at least about 20 condoms! She has not even seen her assailants. That’s why nowadays crimes are targeted on kind people like her.
Next time if the same situation occurs, never bring the child to the intended place. If the child insists, then bring the child to the police station.
Lost children are best to be sent to police stations. Please send this to all your female friends/colleagues, and your friends with girlfriends and friends with wives.

Please pass this on to family members. It is better to be informed. It is sad that we cant even help children now!

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