inspirations, hobbies, passtime & stuff

December 31, 2008

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 11:40 pm

Animations by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 11:32 pm

Invest your life in what pays eternal dividends.
Read Ecclesiastes 1:14…….rbc

To a world that was spiritually dry
and populated with parched lives scorched by sin,
Jesus was the Living Water who would quench the
thirsty soul.
Read Psalms 42:2

Confession is the key
that opens the door to forgiveness.
Read 1 John 1:9

confession of sin is the soil
in which forgiveness flourishes.
Read Romans 5:20

Only Christ the Living Bread can
satisfy our spiritual hunger.
Read matthew 26:20-30

You can expect to enjoy God’s presence
when you honor Him with your life.
Read Philippians 1:20

When the law of God is written on our hearts,
our duty will be our delight!!!!!!!!!!
Read Matthew 25:21

Taling to Christ about others
helps us to talk to others about Christ.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:15   rbc

To a world that was spiritually dry
and populated with parched lives sorched by sin, Jesus
was the Living Water who would quench the thirsty soul.
Read Psalms 42:2

You’re headed in the right direction when
you walk with God.
Read Genesis 5:24

We can endure this life’s trials
because of the next life’s joys.
Read Psalm 30:5


Filed under: misc — snoopygie @ 10:57 pm
All albums are for sampling only. If you like it, please buy the original CD. I do.
Anime soundtracks
Movie soundtracks

All other

sorry if some are dead links, some of them were reported & deleted.

December 30, 2008

a wonderful new year

Filed under: ramblings — snoopygie @ 8:02 pm
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My friend & “kumare” gave birth to a baby boy this afternoon. (I wonder what’s “kumare” in English 
is…anyone knows? Well, in the Phils. if a boy or a girl is your God son/God daughter we always 
address the mother as “kumare” & “kumpare” for the father.)
Anyway, she gave birth in an emergency C-Section this afternoon. Both the baby & mother are well. 
Then, tomorrow morning another friend of ours will be giving birth, also via C-Section. They have 
arranged for the same room, isn’t it cool…LOL…well, I just loved the idea. Before I left the 
hospital I told them to sleep & take a rest because they might just be talking & babbling the 
whole night…LOL…
This is really such a wonderful gift to greet the New year. Eventhough they will be spending the 
New Year in their hospital room, this is much much more to celebrate.
Congratulations to both of you for being blessed with another child.

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 7:15 pm

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Animations by Chairty & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 6:41 pm

It is the highest duty of religion to
imitate Him who you adore.
Read Romans 10:4

For nourishment, comfort, exhilaration,
and refreshment, no wine can rival the love
 of  Jesus. Drink deeply.
Read Romans 10:4

Most of man’s trouble comes from
his inability to be still.
Read 1 Samuel 3:10

Life isn’t about waiting till the storm passes by…..
It’s about learning to dance in the rain!!!!!!!!!!

I feel my weakness and inablitiy to
accomplish anything without the aid of the
Holy Spirit…. Lottie Moon…
Read Romans 8:14

I have noticed in study and in experience that the
more vital and important any theological or
doctrinal truth may be, the devil will fight it harder and
bring greater controversy to bear upon it.
Read Titus 3:9

Take courage. We walk in the wilderness today
and in the Promised Land tomorrow.
Read Proverbs 24:14

Noise and words and frenzied, hectic
schedules dull our senses, closing our
ears to His still small voice and making us
numb to His touch.
Read 1 Samuel 3;10

The choice for me is to either
look at all things I have lost or the things I have.
To live in fear or to live in hope… Hope
comes from knowing I have a sovereign
loving God who is in every event in my life.
Read Proverbs 13:12

December 29, 2008

what we got for christmas

Filed under: ramblings — snoopygie @ 7:09 pm

A digital photo frame, radio & clock with mp3 & video playback in one. With alarm.

This was a great deal. We got it for half the price.  
An OTTO e-relax easy back massager. It feels so nice & good & comfy & relaxing… 
 nothing beats the old good hand massage with oil.
And for Reggie of course toys, & some clothes.

Quote cards for today

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 6:44 pm

Animation by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 6:36 pm

Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances
around us.  He promised great peace and pure joy to
those who would learn to believe that God actually
controls all things……Corrie ten boom….
Read Matthew 6;25

Whatever we focus on determines what we become.
Read Matthew 6:25

God is great and powerful, but
we must invite Him to be powerful in our lives.
His strength is always there, but it’s up
to us to provide a channel through which
that power can flow.
Read 1 Peter 3:12

If there is anyone who see’s
all the works of God and does not
Praise Him, if there is anyone who
cannot perceive God, that person is foolish.
Read Psalm 19:1

If a man knows where to get good advice, it is
as though he can supply it himself.
Read Proverbs 13:20

God’s heart of mercy provides for us not only pardon
from sin but also a daily provision of spiritual
food to strength us.
Read Proverbs 19;11

God can do all that we need.
Read 1 Peter 3:12

The Christian believes in a fabulous future.
Read Proverbs 24:14

The closer we are to Godly people the
easier it is for us to live a
righteous life because they hold us accountable.
Read Proverbs 13:20

Wisdom is knowing what to overlook.
Read Proverbs 19:11

December 28, 2008

Quote cards for today

Animation by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 10:16 pm

Joy comes not from what we have but from what we are.
Read philippians 4:4

God can make something beautiful of our lives.
Read James 4:8

One of the more significant things God will bring out
of our grief and depression is an ability to walk
constructively with others through theirs. In face,
one of the purposes of God’s comfort is to equip us
to comfort others.
Read Psalms 126:5

We must not only give what we have, we must also give
what we are.
Read Proverbs 11:25

Only Jesus Christ is the truth for everyone who
has ever been born into the human race, regardless
of culture, age, nationalitiy, generation,
heritage, gender, color or language…..Ann Graham Lotz….
Read john 8:12

God desires the least degree of obedience and
submissiveness more than all those services you
think of rendering Him.
Read Psalms 112:1

What a shame it will be if those who have the grace
of God within them shoul fall short of the contentment
which worldly men have attained.
1 Timothy 6:6

I have a great need for Christ: I have a great Christ for my need.
Read Psalms 16:8

Rebuke the Enemy in your own name
and he laughs: command him in the name of
Christ and he flees.
Read Matthew 26:41

He upholds the whole creation. What cannot he do for us,
far beyond our conception and expectation, He
who hangs the earth upon nothing?
Read Ephesians 1:18-19

No one heals himself by wounding another.
Read Proverbs 11:17

If you want to be truly happy, you won’t find it on
an endless quest for more stuff. You will find
 it in receiving God’s  generosity  and the
passing that generosity along.
Read proverbs 11:25

Give your cares to Him who cares for the flowers
of the field. Rest assured He will also care for you.
Read Psalms 94:19

If the attitude of servanthood is learned, by attending to God as Lord, then, serving others will develop as a very natural way of life.
Read 1 Corinthians 12:4,5

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Filed under: Quotation Cards — snoopygie @ 9:39 pm

December 23, 2008

Quote cards for today

Animation by Charity & Co.

Filed under: Daily Grace — snoopygie @ 6:23 pm

God’s plan for our guidance is for us
to grow gradually in wisdom before we get to the
Read Proverbs 21:11

Joy comes not from what we have but from what we are.
Read Philippians 4:4

I think everybody ought to be a laughing Christian.
I am convinced that there is just one place where there is not any
laughter and that is hell…
Read proverbs 15:13

The Rock of Ages is the great sheltering encirclement.
Read Psalm 7:1

The wonderful thing about God’s classroom is that
we get to grade our own papers. God doesn’t test
us so He can learn how well we’re doing. He
test us so WE can discover how well we are doing.
Read Proverbs 21:11

The Church is the last place on
earth to be solemn,
provided you have lived right.
Read Philippians 4:4

Don’t let circumstances distress you.
Rather, look for the will of God for your
life to be revealed in and
through those circumstances…..Billy Graham….
Read Proverbs 21:11

A religion that is small enough for our understanding
would not be big enough for our needs.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:12

Never yield to gloomy anticipation. Place your hope
and confidence in God. He has no record of failure.
Read Psalms 55:22

Even when we cannot see the way
and wherefore of God’s dealings,
we know that there is love in and behind
them, so we can rejoice always.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:9

Faith is a strong power, mastering any
difficulty in the strength of the Lord
who made heaven and earth.
Read Matthew 9:22

let’s buy a baby

Filed under: ramblings,silly monkey stories — snoopygie @ 2:44 pm

This conversation with my son started when he was only 4yo, he’s 6yo now turning 7 in Jan. He was still in nursery then. Then 1 day after school, he asked me if we can buy a baby girl. I asked him why, he said because he wants to have a baby sister ‘coz his classmate has one & it’s also studying in their school. He also don’t have a family and a friend at home, he had said.

I explained to him that we can not just buy a baby because those are not for sale. Then came a series of WHY’S, lots of it & lots of other questions. I admit, it drives me nuts.

He even told his teacher about him wanting a baby sister. This came to my knowledge during last month’s PTC (Parent Teacher Conference).

It’s been over a month now that he had not mentioned about it. But he’s been watching this cartoon series “Charlie & Lola” & “Taoshu”, which is about 2 siblings – a big brother & a little sister.

I wonder if he will still brought this subject up. We know he longed for a playmate at home. But…only God knows…if it’s meant to be.

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